Help rebuild Livelihood of 37 ADWAN's Women Groups
Dear friends, Let's help ADWAN's 37 women groups of 7 Village Development Committees (VDCs) from Gorkha and their more than 5 thousand families who are most affected by the devastating earthquake in Nepal. Their almost all 99.9% houses were destroyed and remaining houses are also not suitable for living inside as they are cracked. As you know, I am fromTaklung, Gorkha and my parents and other family members are living in tents in nearby field from our two houses which were destroyed by the earthquake. Let's help them and rebuild their livelihood. Please visit ADWAN website | You can reach me at +1-617-320-9768 or email me at:
Project |01
Project |01 ADWAN
ADWAN.ORG (Association for Dalit Women’s Advancement of Nepal) is a human rights organization for so-called low-caste or Dalit women and their children. Through self-help groups, advocacy, human rights, livelihood skill training, education and microfinance, ADWAN inspires hope and gives Dalit and all other mariginalized women tools to end discrimination and poverty.
ADWAN.ORG promotes self‐reliance and believes that lasting change happens through empowerment. ADWAN aims to foster a measure of economic independence, to boost self-esteem, and to instill solidarity and a sense of national pride. Read more at:
Project |03
Project |03
"Untouchable" (अछुत)
an autobiography
Currently, I'm writing my autobiography.
Untouchable (Documentary)
by Join The Lights
Untouchable follows human rights activist Bishnu Maya Pariyar as she journeys across Nepal to return to the village where she was born and raised. Throughout the trek, Bishnu recalls fond memories of her youth as well as painful reminders of the discrimination that she faced as a result of her family’s low-caste heritage. A true figure of courage and perseverance, Bishnu relates how she has been able to overcome the oppressive situation that she was born into and how she is helping other women to do the same.
Founded by Bishnu Maya Pariyar, ADWAN gives women the tools to become agents of change. ADWAN’s programs are based on women’s empowerment groups, developing leadership and encouraging women of different castes to work together. Through growing solidarity, women begin to alter their learned behavior with regards to caste and “untouchability.” Internal attitudes and behavior of mutual support spread to the families and eventually permeate the entire community.
AWAN.ORG is one of few organizations that focuses on reaching and empowering Dalit women of Nepal. By creating a short documentary that captures a small part of Bishnu’s incredible story, Join the Lights seeks to equip the organization with a tool that will not only inform viewers but will seize their hearts as well. And by increasing awareness as well as support we hope that Bishnu and ADWAN will be able to achieve new measures of equality for the women and families that they tirelessly serve.
Watch UNTOUCHABLE Documentary by Join The Lights
To see more of my work or discuss possible work: